Registration is OPEN for the 2020 Spring Season
Click HERE to Register
New WGSL families will need to set up a family account to register and access our SportsPilot registration system. Returning WGSL families should use their existing SportsPilot login information to access registration. All eligible players and adults who plan to coach, or volunteer through WGSL should be also added to family account. Families will also be able to access players' team information via SportsPilot starting in Mid-March. To set up a family account, click here and then click on "Create a New Account".
Beginners (Kindergarten-1st Grade) |
$115 |
$125 |
$150 |
Rookies (2nd Grade-3rd Grade) |
$115 |
$125 |
$150 |
Minors (4th Grade-5th Grade) |
$125 |
$135 |
$160 |
Majors (6th, 7th, 8th Grade)
$125 |
$135 |
$160 |
Beginners/Rookies/Minors - WGSL will guarantee availability for those who register on or before 2/29/20. Starting on 3/1/20, registration is limited based on roster availability.
WGSL reserves the right to add on additional late fees to anyone who registers after 3/10/19
Minors Division - This league is for 4th and 5th Graders. 3rd Graders born in 2010 may select to play in the Minors division. Those making this selection are required to have played at least 1 year in the Rookie league and attend skills assessment to finalize eligibility. Interested players should still register for the Rookies Division, and write in the notes section that player is interested in moving up to Minors Division. Note - players are not guaranteed permission.
Payments through WGSL's registration system via SportsPilot are made through a secure CardConnect server. WGSL's staff or board members do not have the ability to access credit/debit card information entered in SportsPilot. We are asking that all registrations be made through our secure server via debit/credit card. If you are unable or unwilling to register online with a debit/credit card, please send an e-mail to
Coaches/Volunteer Registration
Parents, please consider coaching or volunteering during the upcoming season. The number of teams in Beginners/Rookies/Minors will be determined based on the number of available coaches. If a high number of parents volunteer to coach, then we can keep team sizes smaller and provide more individualized attention to each player.
Parents who coach or volunteer during the upcoming Spring Season should register through SportsPilot by clicking on "Register Coach" next to the name of the registered adult in your account. There is no cost for adults to register.
All adults who did not volunteer and submit clearances from 2016-2019 will be required to submit background clearances in accordance with the
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services' Keep Kids Safe Initiative.